Tag Archives: Superannuation

Saving for Retirement

Over the next few years the age at which you can begin to start receiving the Age Pension will gradually increase from age 65 to age 67 (depending on your birthdate), with most people now having to be 65 and a half before they can access the Age Pension. Every time the Age Pension age increases or there’s talk of it increasing, you’ll hear all over the media people who now can’t retire because they have to wait a few more years before they can access the Age Pension.


Unfortunately for some, the Age Pension will be critical to fund their retirement, but the Age Pension age doesn’t need to be your Retirement Age. There’s a few things you can do to help reduce your reliance on the Age Pension and retire when you want to retire, our motto is that we’d rather you be working because you want to, not because you have to.


Super Contributions – Your employer pays 9.50% of your wage into Super as a Super Guarantee Contribution (SGC), but if your cash flow allows for it, you can top that up through a Salary Sacrifice arrangement or making Personal Concessional Contributions, up to an annual cap of $25,000 (which includes your SGC). This allows you to boost your Super Savings while at the same time helping you save tax personally.


You also have the opportunity to put up to $100,000 in as a Non-Concessional (After-Tax) Contribution and even up to $300,000 utilising the bring-forward rule in one year (if you haven’t made large contributions previously). Depending on your Super Fund, this can be a transfer of any cash you may have or even other assets such as shares. Remember that the new $1.6mil balance rules need to be taken into consideration.


Depending on your income, if you make a Non-Concessional Contribution the government may give you a Government Co-Contribution up to $500 on a $1,000 contribution (you can contribute more, but the co-contribution is based on a maximum $1,000). If your income is below $36,813 for FY18 you will receive the full $500 Co-Contribution, and you will receive a pro-rata amount if your income is above $36,813 but below $51,813.


Consolidate your Super – For some you may have multiple Super accounts, each time you start a new job your employer may start a new Super Fund for you if you haven’t given them the details of your existing Super Fund. If you’ve got multiple Super accounts it may be worth consolidating them into the one account which may help to reduce the total fees you’re paying on your Super accounts. However, you need to be careful that when you rollover any Super into another account you will lose any insurance you may hold.


Review your Insurance – Most Super accounts come with default insurance cover, and insurance is a very powerful tool to protect you and your family in case something happens to you. For those later in life, who are empty nesters, paid off the mortgage and are close to retirement, your need for cover may not be as important as someone who’s just starting a family and recently taken on a mortgage. Although insurance may be needed, it is always worth reviewing it on a regular basis to ensure your level of cover is appropriate and you’re paying for what you need, as the premiums come out of your Super balance. In some circumstances it may also be worthwhile holding some of your insurance cover outside Super.


JBS can help provide a full review of your Superannuation and Insurance and help you put strategies in place to ensure that you’re working because you want to, not because you have to. We’d rather you work towards your Retirement Age.


– Peter Folk –

Longevity Risk in Super

As the baby boomers of Australia are now entering retirement, the topic of longevity risk within superannuation has become increasingly important. The longevity risk of superannuation refers to the risk of retirees running out of money in their super account before they die.


Contrary to the common thought of Aussies using up their entire super benefits earlier on, close to 50% of retirees draw down the minimum amounts from their super accounts, in an attempt to protect themselves against longevity risk. Whilst there are still a portion of retirees drawing down unsustainable amounts from their retirement benefits each year, it’s crucial to get the right balance in order to have a comfortable retirement. Furthermore understanding and managing the longevity risks in super can be the difference between having enough in retirement and running short.


There are 3 components of longevity risk which are;


Mortality Risk – This risk is associated with the chance of death along a certain time frame. With medical and technological advancements, the average life span of Aussies continue to increase each year, which means our super benefits need to also last that extra distance.


Volatility and Sequencing Risks – Volatility risk relates to the chance of suffering losses in our super funds due to volatility in the financial markets. Whilst sequencing risk is associated with the order of returns, which results in the retiree with less money due to losses suffered in the initial stages of retirement. Take for example the following table, which shows Tony and Mark, both starting off their retirement with $500,000 in super and drawing an annual income for $43,695 per annum (Association of Superannuaton Funds of Australia’s standard for comfortable retirement), from their retirement benefits.

As shown in the above table, over a 9 year period with an average return of 8%, we can see Tony is in a better position as his super fund performed really well early on in his retirement. Whereas Mark suffered poor performance early on in his retirement, which affects the balance of his retirements benefits in future years.


Expenses Risk – This risk is associated with the expenses depleting retirees super benefits early on in their retirement. Aside from the travelling and discretionary spending one type of expense that is commonly missed is medical and personal care expenses. Tied to morality risk, being able to live longer with the help of modern medicine and technology often doesn’t come cheap or free. As such taking into account medical and carer expenses, is crucial.


Ensuring sufficient super benefits in retirement can be very daunting, especially considering all the risks associated with longevity. There are however professionals such as financial advisers, who can assist in making the journey much smoother. Aside from being able to assist clients in reaching their retirement goals, an adviser can also help in determining an optimal amount to withdraw from super each year so their clients get a well-balanced retirement life.


– Andy Lay –

Meeting a Condition of Release

It’s been more than 6 months since the Superannuation reforms came into force on the 1st of July 2017, and now with the Christmas break over and done with and most likely back to your day to day routine, now is as good a time as any to re-focus on your Superannuation.


One of the more prominent changes to Super that came into effect was the removal of the concessional tax treatment of Transition to Retirement Pensions (TTR Pension). Pre 1 July 2017 any money held within a TTR pension received a 0% tax rate on any income or realised capital gains, however post 1 July 2017 money held within the TTR pension is taxed at 15% (same as accumulation).


However, any funds that are held within an Account-Based Pension still receive the 0% tax rate (for balances up to $1.6 million). Unless you’ve met a condition of release, such as attaining age 65, you’re unable to commence an Account-Based Pension. The most common conditions of release are:


– Reaching preservation age (currently age 57 – depending on your date of birth) and retiring
– Reaching age 65


For superannuation purposes, a member’s retirement depends on their age and future employment intentions. A person cannot access Superannuation benefits under the retirement condition of release until they reach preservation age. At this stage, the definition of retirement depends on whether the person has reached age 60.


If you’re under age 60, then meeting a condition of release is a bit harder, effectively you generally have to completely cease employment and have the intention never to again work more than 10 hours per week. However, if you’re over age 60 (but under age 65), simply having a change of employment post age 60 means you may be able to satisfy a condition of release, opening up an opportunity to move your Super wealth into the tax-free pension environment.


For example, let’s say John (age 62) works full-time in a Supermarket, but for 6 weeks he was contracted to work on the Weekends as a Labourer. After 6 weeks John has stopped work as a Labourer, because of this John has now met a condition of release and can move his Superannuation savings into the tax-free environment. However, any later contributions made (employer and personal) and earnings will be preserved (i.e. can’t be accessed until a new condition of release is met).


Based on the above, if you’ve been operating a TTR Pension and potentially could meet a condition of release, you may be able to continue to receive the tax-free pension on your Superannuation benefits. Here at JBS we can help assess your options in relation to meeting a condition of release.


– Peter Folk –

Success in Retirement

Regarding preparation for retirement, the terms ‘create,’ ‘protect’ and ‘enjoy’ encompass a variety of challenges; however, the acknowledgement of these challenges, and the subsequent methods of dealing with these problems can lead to success in the future.


The following two tables which show the lump sum requirements for both couples and singles when taking into account lifestyle upon requirement.


According to “The 2017 ASX Investors Survey,” the 2013/14 mean superannuation balances for households and individuals were $355,000 and $214,000 respectively; these figures, coupled with the data above, are indicative of some of the problems faced regarding ‘enjoy,’ as super balances somewhat dictate your quality of life.


Therefore, in order to ensure that enjoyment occurs upon retirement, creating wealth is imperative. The same ASX report states that 60% of Australian adults participate in at least one form of investment, however, the lack of activity by younger generations and engagement with their super contributes to lower super balances, across the board.


A global survey in “The Future of Retirement” report released in April 2017 by HSBC; indicates that only 34% of working aged people believe that they will be financially comfortable in retirement, whilst 58% thought that they will continue working to some extent in retirement because they have to.


In Australia the Superannuation system forces people to start saving for their retirement from an early age, however it still doesn’t ensure that these savings are working to their full potential.


These statistics further highlight the importance of seeking financial advice and putting a retirement plan in place from an early age because in our experience, clients who engage with an adviser will significantly improve their chances of being able to achieve your goals and enjoy their retirement.


At JBS, we run a Cash Coach and Retire Right program to specifically address these needs and help you to achieve the success you desire upon retirement.


– Richard Smart –

Worst Time To Invest

What if you only invested at market peaks?


Have you ever noticed that as soon as you buy an investment it tends to drop in value? Whilst this doesn’t really always happen, it just tends to be the investments we remember, what if it did happen? Even worse, what if it dropped by epic proportions?



Meet Tim who is the worst market timer that has ever existed. What follows is Tim’s tale of terrible timing of his stock purchases.


Tim, fresh out of school, begins his career in 1970 at age 18. He understands the importance of investing and saving for the future and therefore decides to start allocating $2,000 per year into a savings account. It’s now the end of 1972 and he has saved up $6,000. Into the stock market it goes. Unfortunately for Tim, after watching the stock market go up and up over the last two years, over the next two years it drops 48%. Tim loses a bit of confidence in the market and while he doesn’t sell, he continues to save up his money in a bank account waiting for things to improve.


15 years later and Tim decides that now is the right time to put more money into the market. It has been going up for years and he sees no reason why it won’t continue. He invests his entire $46,000 into the market. After a small decrease the market then drops suddenly on the 19th of October dropping a whopping 27% in one day. Tim’s had enough, no more putting money into the market. He leaves what is already in there as what’s the point in selling now and goes back to saving in his bank account.


After ignoring the market for 12 more years Tim can’t avoid people talking about the internet. Everyone is making money from the internet. Unfortunately Tim knows very little about the internet but the media informs him that there are plenty of companies on the stock market that do. He takes his $68,000 that he has in the bank and jumps in but this time decides to not even look at the market for the next two years. 2 years later he checks his investment and it have once again decreased by 50%.


It’s 2007 and Tim is now 55. He’s looking to retire in 2013 and decides he’s going to have one last dig at this share market thing. He’s managed to save up $64,000 and into the market it goes. Little does Tim know that once again he’s picked a terrible time to invest, the GFC is about to commence with losses of over 50%.


That’s it, no more investing for Tim…..ever! Once again he leaves the funds in the market but saves up another $40,000 in cash before he retires. So what did he end up with at retirement?


Over his working life Tim has managed to invest $184,000 saving an additional $40,000 over the last few years in cash giving a total investment amount of $224,000. Sure he picked the absolute worst times to invest including the bear market in the early 70’s, the infamous one day crash in 87, the technology bust in 2000 and the GFC in 2007. But he never went back on his investment decisions; he never sold any investments.




Tim ended up with a total retirement balance of $1.1 million. While Tim was a terrible market timer, he was a good investor. He saved a regular amount on a regular basis no matter what. He didn’t panic when the market went down and sold his investment. Instead he maintained his investments until he needed the money. Finally, he invested for the long term and even though he pretty much picked the top of the market each time to put the money in, over time the market continued to go up in value, even if he had to wait a little while after the big falls for it to recover, it always did recover and then go on to meet a new high.


We are not recommending anyone follow Tim’s strategy. He didn’t include diversification in his investment product options and if he would have implemented a dollar cost averaging strategy where he contributed his savings amount each year no matter what, he would have ended up with over twice as much.


This is based on a study in the US, given US market investments however Australian markets felt the same crashes and still illustrates the importance of standing strong with your investment decisions. Time in the market is more important than timing the market.


So what can we take out of Tim’s fictional experience?

1.    Losses happen and are part of the deal when investing in the share market. It’s how you react to those losses that will determine your investment performance over time.
2.    Invest for the long term and let compound interest work for you.
3.    The biggest factors when determining growing your wealth are time, and savings amount. The effect of the actual returns the investments generate on your portfolio pale in comparison to how much money you contribute and how long you invest. Get these two things right, and the rest will follow.


If you are thinking about investing or want to learn more about how you can start your investment portfolio, contact one of the advisers at JBS.

Non-Concessional Contribution Changes

In our last CPE article we talked about the recent changes the government has made to the previously proposed non-concessional contribution life-time cap of $500,000.  To re-cap, the Government has back tracked on this proposal and has instead changed it to an annual cap of $100,000, with the ability to bring-forward 3 years’ worth of contributions from 1 July 2017. Your super balance must also be below $1.6 million to be able to make the contributions.


Since then the government has provided further direction on how the proposed bring forward rule and the $1.6 million cap will work.


Under current rules you can make a total of $180,000 in one year or $540,000 if you bring-forward 3 years’ worth of contributions. If you as an individual have triggered the bring-forward rule in FY16 and FY17, but you have not used it fully by 30 June 2017, transitional rules will apply.


If you trigger the bring-forward provisions in FY17, the transitional cap will be $380,000 (which is the current $180,000 cap plus the new $100,000 annual cap for FY18 and FY19). If you triggered the bring-forward rule in FY16, the transitional cap is $460,000 (current annual cap of $180,000 for FY16 and FY17, plus the $100,000 for FY18).


The below table provides an example of how this may work in specific situations, with example one and two outlining how the $380,000 bring-forward cap may work, and example three highlighting how the $460,000 cap works with the example contributions:


In relation to the $1.6 million eligibility threshold, you are unable to make further non-concessional contributions if your super account is above $1.6 million.  Your balance will be determined as at the 30th of June in the previous financial year.  If your balance is close to $1.6 million, you can only make a contribution or use the bring-forward rule to bring your balance up to $1.6 million without going over, this is summarised below.


As always these measures are not yet legislated and therefore could change yet again.  The draft legislation is expected in the next few weeks.


If you have made any non-concessional contributions in the previous three financial years and are concerned how this may affect you and your future contributions, feel free to contact any of the team here at JBS.

And Yet More Change

Last week, the Government made further announcements in relation to proposed changes to the superannuation system. From Budget night, we had a list of changes that they sort to bring in, however, after industry and community consultation, the Government have made changes to these proposed changes….confused yet?



Ok, well some of the main changes include:

–  The $500,000 lifetime cap on Non-Concessional (NCC) (after tax) Contributions has effectively been scrapped.

–  The $100,000 annual cap replaces the existing $180,000 annual cap for Non-Concessional (after tax) Contributions from 1 July 2017

–  The bring forward rules still apply, so an individual under age 65 can contribute up to $300,000 over a 3-year period

–  The current work test rules still apply for those over 65. This means they cannot contribute, unless working at least 40 hours in a 30 consecutive day period. The removal of the work test proposal has been scrapped until future notice

–  It is expected that the current $180,000 NCC cap still applies until 30 June 2017, meaning that you can trigger a bring forward provision in the current financial year and be able to contribute a maximum of $540,000 over the three (3) financial year period

–  From 1 July 2017, those with a superannuation balance of more than $1.6 million will not be able to make non-concessional (after tax) contributions to their super

–  The 5 year catch-up concessional contribution proposal, that would see those with a balance less than $500,000 able to access their unused concessional contribution cap to make additional before tax contributions to super, has been delayed until 1 July 2018.


The ultimate aim of the Government’s changes are two fold; (1) to avoid superannuation being used as an estate planning vehicle where people are saving their wealth in a tax free environment to pass to children rather than for retirement funding, and (2) to strengthen the idea of superannuation being a mechanism to provide an income in retirement, which includes supplementing the Age Pension.


We must note again, however, these proposals are not legislation and therefore could again change before they are enshrined into our super system, however it can assist us to forward plan your contributions and superannuation options better by providing a strong indication of what the Government is wanting to achieve.


If you are considering any large contributions to super or would like to discuss your personal situation and what these changes could mean for you, please contact us here at JBS.

Accessing your super before retirement

Ever get yourself in a financial spot of trouble and thought about taking money out of super to help? Well, generally speaking you can’t unless you’re retired but there are some limited instances where you can. They are limited to severe situations and you can’t just access the cash because you need a new car or the kitchen appliances need to be replaced.


Piggy BankThere are two ‘conditions of release’ (technical term for eligibility criteria to be able to access your super) for members to utilise under extenuating circumstances prior to retirement.


Severe Financial Hardship:
The first condition of release is Severe Financial Hardship. The rules around this condition of release vary depending on whether the member has reached their preservation age.


If the member has met the preservation age plus 39 weeks then they need to supply a letter from a government department showing the following:

•   At least 39 weeks of Government income support (like Newstart allowance) from the date the member met preservation age.
•   The member was not gainfully employed on any level on the date of the severe financial hardship application, and;
•   Evidence that the member cannot meet any reasonable and immediate living expenses; like you have missed your mortgage payments, can’t pay your electricity bill, however missing your repayment on your Ferrari won’t cut it.


If the client is younger than preservation age then the government department letter must show at least 26 weeks of government income support and evidence the member cannot meet their living expenses.


The amount that will be released also depends on whether the member has met their preservation age. The member can take their full balance if they meet the above criteria and are over their preservation age. If the member is under, then they can only withdraw between $1,000 and $10,000 in any 12 month period.


Compassionate Grounds:
The second condition of release is called Compassionate Grounds. Applications for this condition of release must be submitted to the Department of Health Services, as this condition applies to health related issues. SIS Reg 6.19A outlines what expenses they will release funds for:


•    Medical Treatment or transport;
•    To prevent bank foreclosure or sale of the member’s principle residence;
•    To Modify the members principle residence or vehicle to accommodate a disability; or
•    The pay for palliative care, death, funeral and burial expenses.


The member will need to supply evidence of these expenses to the Department of Health Services before a decision will be made. If the department comes back with a favourable outcome they will supply a letter for the trustee of the super fund stating how much can be withdrawn from the members account.


The member can apply for more than one of the above expenses at once. They will need to submit separate applications to the Department of Health Services with evidence of each expense.


These conditions are only available to members who are facing extreme circumstances.


So effectively, you have to almost be in dire straits (and I don’t mean the British rock band from the 80’s) to access super before retirement. Be warry of some providers that have touted that they can assist you to access your super early as these schemes are illegal and have been shut down in the past by ASIC however not until some clients have implemented the strategies and got themselves in trouble as trustees of their own super. Best way to look at super is that it is 100% a retirement savings plan and not an emergency or backup fund. If you’re concerned about your future and any road-bumps you may hit along the way, you may want to consider taking out insurances such as income protection or trauma cover so not to be disappointed when you cannot access your super for minor or short term issues.


If you have any concerns about your super or you want to look at personal insurances, why not give JBS a call to discuss your options.

Costs of Living in Retirement

Are you coming up to retirement? During the December 2015 quarter, the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) issued new figures, which showed an increase in the costs of retirement. The average cost of retirement for people retiring at age 65 is approximately $59,236 per annum for couples and $43,184 for singles for a ‘comfortable standard of living’, both up 0.5% from the previous quarter.


Senior Couple Calculating CoinsSo then the question is raised, how much money do you need when you retire? It seems to be the age old question. Based on the figures released by ASFA, an average single retiree would require approximately $545,000 in super benefits in order to fund their retirement and couples would require around $645,000. But what do all these numbers mean to you and your retirement? Well, really all these numbers are just that, ‘numbers’. It’s important to understand that a comfortable lifestyle for one person may not be the same for the next.  Some retirees may require $100,000 per annum to live comfortably and others may only require $30,000.  One thing that is certain however is thecost of living will go up in the future and more importantly you will have to prepare for it.


Instead of worrying about the large sums of money required to retire on, it’s more important to have an understanding of the level of income you require once you’ve retired and work out from there how much you require in order to retire comfortably, taking into account your assets and other entitlements such as the Age Pension. A good starting point to determining how much you’ll need is to take into account your current living expenses. A common mistake here is most people will use the “off the top of my head” figures to determine expected living expenses. The issue with that is, often we under and over estimate expenses, which leads to very misleading results.


At JBS, we use technology to assist us to determine the exact expenses of our clients. This results in both efficiency as clients’ spend less time having to deal with their budgets and at the same time we attain very accurate information on our client’s actual living expenses. Once you’ve determined your living expenses, the next step is to review whether certain expenditures you’re paying today will still be payable once you’ve retired. Often these expenditures include your mortgage repayments, which we all want repaid as soon as possible, and work related expenses, such as commuting costs. Once retired, there’ll be of course no need to pay the tax man for income generated from employment and savings you’ve been putting away each month for retirement will also cease. It’s important that we capture all these points in order to get an accurate figure of your expected retirement expenses.


Take this example for instance.  Say you’re a 45 year old male, you’ve done your sums and calculated you’ll require $40,000 per annum in retirement. How do you then determine the following?

–   How much do you require to put into super each year to meet your retirement goals?
–   Will your super benefits be enough to fund your retirement expenses until your life expectancy?

–   When is your life expectancy?

–   How often should you review your retirement benefits to ensure you’re on track to meeting your goals?


From what you’ve read so far, we’d imagine you’re beginning to understand the complexity in determining how much you require to retire on.  The main point we wish to highlight is that you need to take time and be realistic with your budgeted retirement expenses. Know what your money goes on now (before your retire) so you can determine if you will spend the same in retirement. Doing all this yourself can become very complex and seeking professional advice is the best way to get an accurate estimate.  Having a professional on your side means there’s someone there to assist you in achieving your retirement goals by implementing different strategies to suit your needs. And more than anything, you don’t have to worry about your retirement as you’ve outsourced that!



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