Estate Planning: Do you have any dirty little secrets?

Time and time again, we are seeing the private lives of high profile celebrities and corporate leaders being thrust in the spotlight for all of the wrong reasons.

Recently departed public figures from Whitney Houston, to Steve Jobs, to Richard Pratt, are leaving behind them an estate in a tangled mess, with room for all sorts of secrets and sordid affairs to be made public knowledge.  This occurs much to the family of the deceased’s embarrassment, having their otherwise private laundry aired in public, bringing with it great humiliation.

How is your legacy set up?  Have you considered your:

  • Will;
  • Power of Attorney;
  • Testamentary Trusts; and
  • Superannuation Beneficiaries?

Click here to read our article on the importance of estate planning, and contact JBS on (03) 8677 0688 or  if you would like to (discreetly) discuss you succession planning