Small Things In Life | Pj

As you may know I am originally from sunny Queensland where for the majority of the year the weather is consistently warm and you rarely notice the changing of seasons. Most weekends would be spent heading to the beach for a surf, backyard cricket, BBQ’s with friends and basically anything that involves the outdoors anytime of the year.


Melbourne is a different story, you get to see, feel and experience all the seasons changing and what I love is the different places the different seasons take me throughout the year. Summer has long hot days that never seem to cool down and would involve me rushing off to anywhere with a coastline chasing the sun and sea.


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Autumn seems more relaxed where I can enjoying the mild sunny days, cool nights and a city that literally changes colour overnight. For me winter is all about the footy, the warmth of cosy cafes and of course the ski breaks to Falls Creek.


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On a nice spring day heading into the city to see the early morning sun hitting the Yarra or spending a lazy afternoon watching the sun setting through the city buildings while enjoying a drink along the river.


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What makes this city so incredible is the variety of seasonal sports and festivals on offer year round – there is literally something for everyone. Melbourne always has something going on no matter what season and moving to this city and changing my surroundings has given me a new appreciation for the small things in life – like the changing of a season. These days we are all living busy lives, don’t forget to take the time reflect and enjoy the small things going on in your life – you never know when things will change.