The Importance of Creating Goals

Top level athletes, successful business people and achievers in all fields all set goals. It gives them something to aim at, something to aspire to, something to dream of. They don’t just meander through life expecting things to happen. They create a goal, plan out the steps to achieve their goal and from there work hard to achieve their goals creating a sense of achievement along the way. Goals can be in relation to anything; whether it be a fitness goal “I want to lose 10kg by the end of the year”, a financial goal “I want to have $1,000,000 by the time I retire”, or a lifestyle goal “I want to travel to Disneyland with the kids for my 40th birthday”.


So why set goals?


There are 5 main reasons why you should set goals:


–  1.    Goals propel you forward – Having a goal written down with a set date for accomplishment gives you something to work and aim for.  Even if you don’t achieve your goal, just by attempting it, you put yourself in a better position than what you were in before. Let’s say your goal is to save $12,000 by the end of the year.  Even if you only save $5,000 by the end of the year, you are still better off than what you were previously.


 –  2.    Goals help transform the impossible to possible – We all have dreams that seem impossible to begin with. However when you break those dreams up into smaller goals all of a sudden it seems possible. Instead of saving $12,000 a year how about saving $250 a week. Achieving these small goals frequently will help build motivation and really drive you towards achieving your bigger goals.


–  3.    Provide inspiration – Some people just go through life doing what they’ve always done. They therefore achieve what they have always achieved. If you truly want to accomplish something that you can only dream about, you need to make a goal for yourself and work every day towards achieving it. Otherwise you will never ever get there.


–  4.    Goals hold you accountable – If you don’t have and record your goals, how can you look back and see if you achieved them or not, and if not why not? If you set yourself a goal and you don’t achieve it, you can see what didn’t work and make changes to improve your situation and give you a better chance of achieving your dreams.


–  5.    Goals tell you what you really want – Sometimes we set goals that aren’t really what we want to achieve. When we achieve these goals we don’t really get the sense of achievement that we might expect. A goal may be to purchase 10 investment properties by the time you are 40. The question you need to ask yourself however is why? It could be because you wish to supplement your income with the rent and hence spend less time working. Again, ask yourself why. Is it because you wish to have a less stressful life? Do you want to spend more time with the family? Maybe you just want to play more golf. Asking yourself why you want to achieve something will help discover what you really want and you may find alternative ways of getting it.


While we can’t help you lose weight, JBS can help you with the financial aspect of achieving your goals. Whether that be, saving up for a new home, retiring at age 60, building up a passive income or just building up an emergency account, give us a call to help uncover your financial goals and put you on the path to achieving them.